BOV GFA Player of the Month
Ferdinando Apap (Victoria Hotspurs) lands October award
Victoria Hotspurs central defender Ferdinando Apap is the BOV GFA Player of the Month for October 2017.
Spurs’ Captain Apap reads the game magnificently and, besides being a physical match for any opponent, shows great technique in dispossessing opponents. His contributions during October were essential for Victoria to maintain the top spot in the BOV GFA First Division League and will be a serious challenge for Gozo’s major football honour.
At 25 years of age, Apap started his career with Ghajnsielem and also played for Mosta FC. Recently he has won the Gozo League as a player with Xewkija Tigers and Ghajnsielem. He has signed for Victoria Hotspurs this season, and they are looking to win their 12th title in their history following a seven year title drought.
Horace Laudi, Regional Manager for Bank of Valletta in Gozo presented the BOV GF Player of the Month Trophy to Ferdinando during a Victoria Hotspurs training session in the presence of Head Coach Gotthard Conti and his team-mates. Apap chose Fondazzjoni Arka to benefit from the donation associated with this award.
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