18th May 2017
BOV GFA Player of the Month
Victoria Hotspurs’ Henrique Maciel wins award for April
Victoria Hotspurs striker Henrique Maciel won the final BOV GFA Player of the Month for the 2016/2017 football season.
A slow start to the season put the Spurs out of contention for the title early on, but Maciel’s contribution in April, during in his first season with the team, ensured a comfortable 5th position in the BOV GFA 1st Division League.
Maciel stole the show in Victoria’s 3-2 win over Kercem Ajax, scoring a hat-trick in the process while also scoring twice in the 3-0 win over Oratory Youths. These five goals took his tally for the season to 14, the joint top scorer in the league with Xewkija Tigers’ Thiago Melo dos Santos.
Horace Laudi, Gozo Regional Manager at Bank of Valletta presented the BOV GFA Player of the Month trophy to Henrique, who chose Fondazzjoni Arka to benefit from the monetary donation associated with this award.
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